Website Referrals

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Whispering Palms School

Whispering Palms School 1988? Back row left to right: Shawn Christian, Arisa Sakai, Rika Nakamatsu, B.J. Hofschneider, Tom Weindl, Marion Wendl. Middle row left to right: Amanda Wendl, Leilani Sablan, ?, Vanessa Kosask, Amanda Seaver, Amelia (Mimi) Newport, Amber Wiseman. Front row left to right: Jennifer Furey, Justin Hammett, ?, Emily Jackson, Toshi Nakamatsu, Maranda Smith, ?

Whispering-Palms, originally uploaded by mayanda.

*A few names are missing, and I can't remember how to spell Wendl? (Wendl, Wendle?) Someone help me out please! :)


Anonymous said...

Weindl, if you want to be sure, I can tell you I'm a 6th grader whispering palms

Anonymous said...

pssst im in the same grade as you änonymous"or should i say.... well i wont, im not gving your name out :] Any who this is amazing the was like how many years ago..... and im in the present

WhisperingPalms7thgrade:) said...

When i first looked at this i thought.. "Wow, uncle tom was SO young" I still go to school there im in 7th grade. It is just amazing to see the way back, how many years ago?